About the Artist

Welcome to Thistlefield! I’m Rachel Lambes, a lifelong artist specializing in linocut block printing. While I love to dabble in every medium I can get my inky hands on, linocut is my favorite. While I still have lots to learn, I have grown in skill and confidence over the last few years and am now teaching printmaking workshops and participating in lots of juried art events. I’m a member of the Toledo Artists’ Club and serve on the gallery committee for the Adrian Center for the Arts. I love being part of the creative community!

I earned my Master’s of Education in 2023 and my Bachelor’s of Arts in English Writing in 2007. I have an awesome husband, four children, and a whole menagerie of animals both indoors and out at our home in rural Ohio. Besides art, my favorite things include brownies, naps, fall weather, animals, oddities, books, and friends. I want to be a cat when I grow up.

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to connect with you on Instagram or TikTok.

My beehive design was chosen as part of a public arts project in 2023. The Arts Commission of Toledo, OH, is beautifying signal boxes on city street corners with vinyl wraps featuring works by local artists. I’m honored to have my art on public display! You can view my piece at the corner of Jackson and Superior, right by the Toledo Blade Newspaper building and the Lucas County Metropolitan Housing Authority.